Giant Tortoises, Tropical Birds and Caribbean Beach Escape
US$70 per person
4 Years & Younger are free · Pick up not included
Bookings can only be confirmed within a month of the date requested.
Step into the fascinating world of the Giant Aldabra Tortoise, the planet’s oldest living animal, and learn about their unique characteristics, habitats, and behaviors. This sanctuary provides an immersive experience, allowing you to interact with over 50 of these prehistoric creatures in their natural environment.
The Giant Aldabra Tortoise, whose lineage dates back to millions of years ago, has undergone minimal changes since the days of dinosaurs, making them a living link to our planet’s ancient past. These gentle giants are native to the Indian Ocean, where they thrive in the lush greenery and warm climate. Typically, they grow up to 4 feet in length, weigh over 600 pounds, and can live for up to 200 years.
At the sanctuary, you can observe and learn about their unique physical features, such as their long necks, domed shells, and elephant-like feet. You can also witness their curious and friendly nature firsthand and interact with them under the guidance of our experienced staff.